Friends of Fort Fremont Needs You!
In the past, FFF has received Accommodation Tax Grants from Beaufort County for specific
promotional and educational purposes, but many of our projects are self-funded through membership fees,
donations, and fund-raising events.
Examples of things we have implemented include: cleaning, maintaining, and improving the safety and
accessibiility of the grounds at the Preserve; conducting informative tours on a regular and as-needed
basis; developing additional printed and electronic media to promote the history and relevancy of Fort
Fremont; and documenting the construction and celebration of the Fort Fremont History Center in Memory
of Pete Richards.
We also need people who are willing to serve on the board and committees, who have event planning
and fund-raising skills, other expertise, military and historical perspectives, and just plain willingness
to join in on work parties, docent tours, and social functions.
When you pay using PayPal™, (or paying by check) please Download, print, complete and mail the membership form.
Benefits of membership include invitations to all events, news alerts, opportunity to serve on the board and committees, and support of the mission of Friends of Fort Fremont.
Friends of Fort Fremont is a 501(c)3 tax deductible organization
Old Poster for Coastal Defense